Apple Plum Crisp

Red plums provide a colourful and flavourful accent to traditional apple crisp.

Makes 6 servings.

Chef Tip: Triple the topping recipe and freeze two portions for quick crisps later.

Variety Tip: For best results, use local Honeycrisp, Ambrosia, Empire, Golden Delicious, or McIntosh apples.


3/4 cup rolled oats (not instant) 175 mL
3/4 cup all-purpose flour 175 mL
3/4 cup packed brown sugar 175 mL
1/2 tsp cinnamon 2 mL
1/2 cup butter 125 mL
Apple/Plum Mixture:
4 large Ontario apples, peeled and sliced 4
2 cups sliced pitted red plums 500 mL
1/3 cup brown sugar 75 mL
2 tbsp all-purpose flour 30 mL
1/2 tsp nutmeg 2 mL


Prepare topping: In large bowl, combine rolled oats, flour, brown sugar and cinnamon. With pastry blender cut in butter until crumbly.

Prepare apple/plum mixture: In large bowl combine apples and plums. In small bowl combine brown sugar, flour and nutmeg; toss with apples and plums. Place apple/plum mixture in 12 cup (3 L) casserole.

Sprinkle topping over fruit mixture.

Bake in a 375°F (190°C) oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until apples are tender and crumble is golden brown.

